Information for Presenters

New! RIPE presentation templates

There are new RIPE PowerPoint and Keynotes available for presenters. The templates use a pre-formatted house style to ensure that presentations are easy-to-read and have a professional appearance. Please do not change colours, font size, or font type.

Download: RIPE Presentation Template – PowerPoint (1.5 MB)

Download: RIPE Presentation Template – Keynote (4.2 MB)

Please delete old versions of templates and only use these ones.

Tips for presenters

Here are some suggested guidelines on presentation preparation to help ensure easy-to-see and easy-to-understand information on your slides:

  • Limit the number of slides to avoid information overload
  • Use less text and a larger font size (not applicable if using the RIPE template)
  • Use a standard, easy to read font, such as Helvetica or Arial (not applicable if using the RIPE template)
  • If you are using a Keynote presentation, please ensure that the “Include preview in document” checkbox is selected when saving your presentation.
  • If you are worried about how your presentation will display, the safest option is to upload your slides in .pdf format.
  • Presenters are encouraged to test their presentation before they present. The computers in the Terminal Room are configured with the same software as the presentation Mac minis. If your presentation displays correctly on these terminals, it will display correctly on the big screen.

Upload your presentation

You can upload you presentation here. Presentations can be uploaded in the following formats:

  • .pdf (will be displayed using Adobe Acrobat Reader 9)
  • .key (will be displayed using Apple iWork ’09)
  • .pps (will be displayed using Microsoft Office for Mac 2008)
  • .odp (will be displayed using OpenOffice 3)

Replacing and Deleting a Presentation

After uploading your presentation, the confirmation email you will receive contains the URL for the presentation list.

If you want to delete your presentation, a URL that enables you to delete it is also included in the confirmation email. Please note that deletion cannot be undone.

To replace your presentation, delete the current presentation and upload your new presentation.