
These are unedited transcripts and may contain errors.

The plenary session on 3 May, 2011, at 4 p.m.:

CHAIR: I think it's time to start our last session for today, so please take your seats. And we will start the session with a short announcement so.

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Hello, as users of IPv6 we have been promised for a long time that there will be a killer AP coming and that all of our fridges will have an IPv6 address, and finally, that time is here (not on screen here) so at the RIPE NCC we have made sure that your fridge now can have an IPv6 address, it's a fridge magnet and you can pick it up at the registration desk. You can also use it on other appliances, of course, all of your appliances should be IPv6 enabled, so your washing machines, your toasters and cookers and you can control them remotely and these fridge magnets can be configured to either use already preset v6 address or you can generate your own by tearing these little letters and numbers and colons and coming up with your own unique address.


AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Will we get certificates for the addresses?

CHAIR: Thank you. I also have another announcement to make. There will be a PGP signing party right after the session at half past 5 and it will take place in the seasons room, which is towards that end of the hotel, so people interested in PGP, please meet there at 17:30. And another announcement is will the LIS P that will take place at 17:30 in Beatrix lounge. OK. Well, having said that, let me give the microphone to James Blessing, who will give a presentation on world experience with IPv6 renumbering. Please, James.

JAMES BLESSING: Thank you. A quick explanation: I foolishly said that I was renumbering network in Europe in a public forum and someone called me to give this talk. Now I was thinking there will be lots of stuff and it would be quite a difficult situation and there will be lots of lessons learned and I could do a long 15?minute presentation, it should be fine. We will see how long this presentation actually lasts. Just a quick explanation, Limelight content distribution network, we are already dual stacked, we don't have many customers taking up the option of v6 in Europe, but it's there if they ever wanted it. Because of when we started with only had v6 address space from ARIN, the whole of the RIPE region, all the POPs in Europe, are numbered out of ARIN space and I said, no, can we please move it into RIPE space, it will make certain things that little bit easier in future, so everyone said yeah, it's a great idea, volunteered, you can do that as well. Somebody I should know when to shut up. Our address plan is quite simple, we apply a 48 for each metro region, 64 for each network of servers and other devices, we do something a bit strange, take the first 48 and reserve for loop back addresses, it ends up with a situation when you are doing things about routers, your addresses are short because otherwise your displays can get very messy doing things like BGP.

The second and third we have reserved for points links, the second is our only internal links, the third is for individual links to other networks, and then the last two 48s we took out and gave to our experimental team to mess around and do what they will with and we can change and control the access lists separately for them, in case they want to do anything sillily. So the goal was basically, take the address space we can he employed in Europe and using ARIN, replace it with RIPE address space, as little impact as possible to operations and, at the same time, try and change as little as possible. It's not the most efficient address space usage we could come up with but operationally, it made more sense.

A quick history of our network: We thought when we were originally designing our address plan it could be good if we used a common element so that people would understand where things are a little bit better. Our POPs already have a community identifier, for example London is 60, so we have reused that in the addressing so people can actually see where an address lives in the world a little bit easier, it shows there 600, we have added that extra zero because we have multiple data centres so we can have 601 another, 6 O2 a third data centre, and that gives us 15 data centres and we don't expect to get to move than 15 in a single metro area without changing the identifiers in any way. What we had to do then is change loop back addresses, link addresses, network addresses and then, we use info blocks to use DNS ?? things like that and it's fairly simple to do, so it's a short period where everything had two addresses and then it had one aaddress. That is it. It really was that simple, we just went through and changed some numbers. There was no real issues. What we actually learned was really important was make sure you have one source of location for your data. When I was looking around to try and find out where exactly the information was stored I asked the question internally, I was given three different answers and I thought oh, three different sets of information or same and three locations. Turns out it was three different versions of the same piece of information at different stages. So checking beforehand wasn't a problem. The other one is future tenses and documentation. Quite a scary thing to find a future tense in a documentation when something is meant to be deployed definitive, it's worse when the person who wrote it is on holiday and you are going, does that mean they did do that or they are going to do that? Hunting around for it. The other thing we learned, sometimes things are just as simple as they sound and actually renumbering in v6 is a hell of a lot easier than in v4, and that is about it. I said it was going to be short. Any questions? I don't think so.


CHAIR: I'd like to invite Jordi Palet with a presentation deploying IPv6 without huge cost, a case study.

Jordi Palet: Actually, I am going to present two cases studies from two different customers which are similar solution but not exactly the same, and well, the first case is the Spanish ministry of industry, tourism and trade which is actually in charge of telecom and the reason for that this pilot that we are doing for them is because they just approved, last Friday, the national transition plan which I am going to explain also in the next slides. So, this ministry, I set this in charge of telecom and they have e?government services which thousands of different e?government services that, according to the plan that the council of ministers approved last Friday, need to transition to support the 6. This ministries is responsible for most of the transition plan of the country and they wanted to use also their own case to demonstrate that this is something that everyone in the public administration and the rest of the industries can do. Of course, an important thing, especially in the actual economic situation, is that we cannot spend a lot of money so we try to make it as lower cost as possible but making sure that there is not a disruption on the existing services.

We have European Commission funded project that help it a little bit because for example, we did the training for the staff in the ministry and we are also doing some additional trainings for free in the country in the next months. And also, thanks to the participation of Cisco in 6 deploy, we also provided or Cisco donated to the ministry a couple of new routers because that ?? one of the problems that we actually found when progressing with this pilot, so this is basically the network that we had. That is the pointer. So the provider of the ministry, which is the Spanish education and research network, they have actually two links which ?? there is another link which another provider but it's not interesting for this pilot. So the first piece, of course, of this ?? of this network is a couple of firewalls, then we have the DM set, ways few services for example, DNS is sitting here, we have also another set of firewalls for the test servers and the production servers and then all the people working in the ministry and the different, let's say, offices or branch office of the ministry are hanging behind this firewalls and then we have a couple of load balancers, so because what we want to provide is e?government a label, the obvious solution is OK, let's upgrade this load balancers to support v6 and that is it because you then can see any service behind the load balancers which before v6, of course for that you need to be sure that the firewalls and routers also support v6. That is quite obvious. But there was one main problem, is these routers actually will not be able to support BGP with v6 until May 2012, so that is what we needed to replace. We also took the opportunity, because there was already an investment plan to update those firewalls and those load balancers and it was expected to take them later on in this year so we just push it a little bit to make the date for new devices right now, but it just chasing for a couple of months because it was already on the plan, right.

So, that is what I just explained. The routers are switches which layer free cards and that was the main problem to progress with this pilot, and this is what we got right now. We took the opportunity to, in order to be able to not cut down even for seconds any service, we keep the existing network up and running, OK, so no change. We have two new links that will enter into production next week. We have the new routers, the new firewalls and the new load balancers, and we have just one new serve, mainly DNS, with dual stack. So what this allows is to having only one set of servers with dual stack, and you get dual stack in the Internet facing services even if you keep here just IPv4. So you don't touch your existing production network and I knee this is what most of the content providers are actually doing. You don't really need to upgrade all the servers to support v6, you keep, probably, private addresses in the servers, IPv4 private addresses but at the end you have, from Internet, all the services which before v6. So this is one of the cases. And this is another one, I cannot say yet who is this customer, but it will be on?line, also, in about two weeks. It's probably the mainlier content provider, newspapers and all kind of magazines, in Spain. I think they have something like peaks of 1.5 to 2 gigabits of traffic serving contents in Internet. They are willing to participate in the v6 world day but the aim is not just to be on for 24 hours; the aim is to be on maybe one or two weeks before and then stay, unless there is a major impact in the business. But they don't really expect that, we already did some measurements and at the moment, we don't expect that impact.

In this case, we had a similar situation: We had no budget, no way to invest in any new box but the routers were ready so we don't need really to replace any box. They are using also load balancing, but in this case, they use something slightly different than the previous case. I didn't mention before, let me go back. In in this case, what happens is that all the traffic goes in through the load balancers and goes out again through the load balancers. So that is the reason we couldn't need to grade the serves behind the load balancers.

In the case of the Spanish publisher, they are using a feature which is called direct server return, DSR. What that means, basically, is the customers go through the server ?? goes to the servers through the load balancers but the response comes directly from the server. So in this case, this is the existing network. It's very, very similar to what we have seen before. We have in this case four providers, two routers, a couple of firewalls, a couple of load balancers and then all the production servers. Of course, there are more devices, layer two devices and so on. I am not having in this slides all the detable, just to give you a shorter or a quicker idea. So in this case, this is what we have done: We have updated the routers, we have been abled IPv6 in the firewalls, we enable IPv6 in the load balancers but in this case because the traffic is going in this direction, we also need to enable IPv6 in the severers itself, so this is small difference with the previous case. In the previous case, you don't update the servers or don't need to enable IPv6 in the servers in this case because the direct server return feature you need to update to support servers to support v6.

As a conclusion of these two cases, well, I think everybody more or less knows this but just in case, training and expertise are key to deploy v6 and again, the most important thing is that you plan ahead. If you plan ahead, the cost, the impact will not be so big. Trying to do this for a network for 8th of June, well if you plan it before, probably it's no so costy but if you want to to that just a week probably you don't have time to do that, right? And if you plan ahead, it may be not so expensive. OK. So now, very, very quickly, I don't know how much time I have, five minutes? Yes. Ten minutes, OK. So we are on time.

I want to explain very briefly the Spanish government approve last Friday the national transition plan so I translated yesterday the slides because the original slides were in Spanish, so it makes easier for you to read that. I am not going through all the slides, just a few of them; basically, I will stop in four slides, I think there are 12, or so. So, the plan was to approve as I said last Friday by the council of ministers, the original idea was to approve at the beginning of April, there were some difficulties because this kind of plans need to go through the approval of every one of the ministries, all of them may have implications, in this case there were implications from making sure that any decision for the public administration mandates, so that was one ministry. Then the industry, tourism and telecom ?? sorry, and trade, which is another one, in fact is the one managing the plan, and also the public administrations and policy which is in charge of other aspects, like, for example, the e?government services in all the public administration.

Let me skip all this that you must know already, the reasons for IPv6, there is no more IPv4 addresses, and so on. And these are the ten points or the ten main points of this plan:

The first one is, the set?up of the pilot that I just describe it. So there will be, at the beginning, two main portals, having IPv6 support but the idea is that, after a few weeks of testing with a few portals, all the protection services that are in the industry network today, in IPv4, will start moving to the new dual stack network. So that means that at the beginning, we will have just have very few portals, but before end of the year, the tar get is to have everything already running with dual stack. So, one more aspect is that we have designed website for the public in general and another for the public administrations containing all the information related to IPv6. Very simple wording so everyone from end users to ISPs, enterprises, and the public administration staff itself can understand what means IPv6, what are the implications, how you can do the transition and so on and that is IPv6. es and then the one specific for the public administration is www. administration electronic, which means electronic administration. Starting in June, there will be 20 workshops in the major cities in Spain. I am going to run those workshops so I have been travelling ten years outside Spain now I will travel inside my own country. In addition to that, there is funding for any kind of company that is doing already training and has expertise to be able to increase this kind of training, so the idea is to motivate people to do more and more of these trainings and probably with very low cost because the government is funding for that.

Another aspect of the plan is to develop and some of these points need still to be further developed in the next few weeks or months, but to develop the public and private corporation regarding IPv6. One more aspect is there is going to be funding but money that you don't need to return in some cases and in some other cases credits with very low rates for all kind of companies that are willing to move to IPv6 existing services or provide new advanced IPv6 services. This is going to be a competitive call and it's already in the ? what we call the advanced two plan which is already funding a scheme for all kind of innovation so it's not something especially for IPv6, but, for example, if you ask for a credit or some kind of funding to the Spanish government to increase the penetration of broadband and you are an ISP or I object crease the speed of broadband cape beibilities, better if you do that with IPv6, and it's a competitive call maybe if you are not doing IPv6 you are not going to get the funding.

Another aspect is the Spanish ccTLD which was not where had IPv6 yet and now it's going to be ready. In fact, there is a pilot started last week. There is also an official kind of Working Group where the government is inviting all the ISPs to join together to start discuss discussions about what problems we have, what solutions we need it to provide, and so on. I need to comment also something which I believe it's quite interesting is that this plan has started to, less say, evolve in December last year, and since then, we had many, many rounds, the ministry had many, many rounds with the most of the ISPs, and in general, my perception also working with many of those ISPs as our customers, is I am really surprised at the reaction capability that they are having so I really expect because what is happening with IPv4 which is obvious for everyone but also this kind of push from the government most of the ISPs are getting ready probably by the first quarter of next year which is, again, surprising to me because I didn't expect it so quick reaction. Let's say that happens, but I am really gratefully surprised. Of course, we are going to have deployment of IPv6 in all the public administration. I mentioned it before, IPv6 is a must in public, so we are going to change some of the rules for the public positions to make sure that IPv6 is there. And there will be, also, some activities to follow European and international IPv6 initiatives, of course.

Let me see if I forgot something. I have a summary here about some of the points. I think I mentioned almost everything here. Here as well. So that is it. And maybe just to show you, you can switch to this laptop, the aspect of the new portal that was released precisely last Friday, last Friday I use it was presented also after the approval by the council of ministers to the press, so there was a lot of noise during all the weekend in the national press, and so on, and well, this is the first version of the portal that it's going to evolve with new contents and we expect to be useful for everyone in the country. I guess, also, because this is in Spanish, it will be also useful for a lot of people from Latin America. Not many people here in the room will be interested but it's a good source of information. Questions?

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Can you go a few slides back.


AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Where is this list of the stuff you are going to do in IPv6 action plan? So number 9, must in public acquisitions. Which document ??


AUDIENCE SPEAKER: I expected that.

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ: Actually 24th of May there will be a meeting with all the organisations working with ISPs and so on, and we are going to debate that but my recommendation is to follow 501 and even contribute to it and whatever with it.

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Okay but my basic question is: Because Germany also wants to do it similar stuff but they say that 501 must be changed a bit to be useful in governmental environment. Do you plan to change it or can you contribute to this change? Mart I think right now it's too early to tell you the right answer. I tried to make things as simple as possible and if we have things that it's useful for, let's say 60 percent of Europe make it useful for 70 percent of Europe, not looking for another document. So if I can avoid from my personal point of view going to a new and different document, I will do so but I cannot tell, on behalf of the government, if they will be happy. At the moment, I know that this is a master document, let's say, for us.

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Because in Paris, I did a suggestion to European Commission to start a project building one profile that can be used as a European IPv6 profile, so I don't know if anything ??

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ: I have someone signature over there from the European Commission and I did the same recommendation last December, I think.


CHAIR: More questions? OK. Thank you very much.


CHAIR: Next is presentation, by Barry O'Donovan.

BARRY O'DONOVAN: Good afternoon, folks. My name is Barry O'Donovan and I am from INEX which I think most of you will know from Nick Hilliard was a presence here but unfortunately not this time. We are Ireland's national IXP. We have recently launched an IPv6 certification programme called IPv6 ready. Now, I will understand if many of you have a bit of fatigue about IPv6 certification programmes but hopefully I can convince you as this presentation continues that ours is a little bit different or has some unique selling points.

The idea for this came from INEX management meeting before Christmas where we continued to again be moan the lack of any kind of significant traction of IPv6. Discussion or wearness in Ireland, just awareness of IPv6 was lacking in Ireland. So we wanted to come up with some kind of a project that would raise awareness, just lift the ceiling a little bit to introduce some discussion outside of the pure techies, and to do this, we chose our target audience to be content owners, website owners or at least individuals or companies who make some or all of the revenue through on?line presence. How do I move forward on this?

So this is the website, www. IPv6 It went life four or five weeks ago. I don't know if you can make out the banner, the Internet is better on the other side. Get IPv6 ready now. We are obviously contrasting the barn waste land of IPv4 versus lush green pastures of IPv6. The side is pretty simple, there is into the lot in the site, main thing a call for action to see if your website is IPv6 ready.

Some of the basic features, anyone can come on and test site and I will discuss certification we use is really simple, users can register and can maintain /POEFL of sites and they can get badges for their sites and we think this is something unique or at least one of the badges is kind of unique. You can get notification of changes and we will test your site periodically from time to time. More history on how readiness has changed over time of. It's important to say for our a particular version our target audience, as well being content owners and providers, it's Ireland, so we are interested in websites of an Irish relevance.

Let's just go into the badges. This is the gold badge so we have two standards, gold and platinum. We will award you a gold badge if your website has a AAAA record, simple as that. The sample at the bottom is a unique serial number which is from one, so the quicker you get certified, the better number you have on your badge. The platinum is just like this. The history of the badges is important because when I initially proposed this we were going with bronze, silver and gold. And this had two issues for our target audience: The first is no content owner really wants to come third, they want to come first, so bronze wasn't going to work. We rely on people to put these badges on the site to get awareness. We moved to gold and platinum. Platinum, by the way, is AAAA and at least one of your name servers. In the original proposal we had a third, which was the gold standard, which was that also your chain of IPv6 name servers terminated with IPv6 glue record and that was a big issue for our target audience because most of them would out course their management of their sites and ending in IPv6 record just lost any kind of attention. So for the target audience it wasn't necessary. We can always introduce it later with platinum plus.

The next issue we found is that as I am sure most of you, I could probably write a list of IPv6 ready websites in Ireland and it would be pretty short and the problem here is that, while I hate the term viral marketing, the success or failure requires people put badges on their sites so it becomes a little bit viral, so putting IPv6 ready badge on small handful of websites wasn't going to get us very far. And the reality is that a lot of businesses or content owners may not be able to control whether or not their site is IPv6 ready, especially outsourced to third party companies and the like. So we came up a third badge which is IPv6 pending and we think this is one of the unique things we have, which allows content owners to say we know about IPv6, we are ready for it and we are trying to effect it on our site. We played with the words, we had IPv6 aware but the problem with "aware" is indefinite, you can be aware forever. At least with pending where the satchel is replaced bay date, still pending two years later? That is the IPv6 pending badge.

When you register your site and we will offer you a code snippet of html with image tag, the purpose being we will be able to host or serve the badges on your behalf or you can download them and certainly we'd expect higher content sites to download them themselves, trying to build up a port polio. Link will bring you to a page such as this which is just brings you into the site but also has a certification that INEX certifies that a person website is IPv6 ready to the platinum or gold standard.

Wave number of publically available graphs on the site and they include tests performed, the unique websites that have tested and results obtained, the balance we have issued and what types of badges they were, and user and website registrations. This is one such graph. As I said, we have only launched this site four weeks ago, the relative effort in putting this live was huge, so once we got it live, we had to go back and do lots of other stuff. Now, we are turning back to this project again and in the next couple of weeks our marketing and membership Eileen Gallagher will be turning this out to the media to try and gather some interest.

The peak you see around week 12 is when we actually launched and the peak around week 13 is when we got mentioned in the mailing list but other than that, the use has been purely organic in people stumbling upon it so hopefully, if you check back in a month you will see some huge jumps in these graphs. We have a top 100 lists, the first list is the first 100. So this is a carrot to try and get people to register their site with a promise of permanent listing on the website. We also have the best IPv6 ready sites, which are those that have been IPv6 ready for the longest and have been consistently ready and we have the last 100 sites that are registered. Additionally, by serving the badges we hope to generate some pretty meaningful IPv4, IPv6 stats for Ireland, so trying to get our IPv6 badge serves obviously IPv6 enabled so we hope to get statistics about IPv6 usage in Ireland over time, as well.

The next steps for us is there is an FAQ section ways little bit spartan but one or two ton at the moment. We are starting to promote it in the next couple of weeks. We are happy to release or offer the entire code base to other ISPs or similar bodies, and I have put in restricted, F OS S licence, what I mean is INEX gets some credit too and you don't try and target our audience which is Ireland, so launch it in your own countries.

And that is pretty much it. If you have any questions or comments?

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: I think this is ?? Alex. I think this is great work. Can you go back to a slide where the banner shows. This is one. And this is another. This must be a cultural thing but the first thing I noticed is that the text and the logo IPv6 ready is on the yellow side of the fence so that the ? side in Ireland.

BARRY O'DONOVAN: It was actually the other way around but Eileen, requested to make sure INEX wasn't on the barren side. More than anything else.

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: James Blessing. What is the revocation procedure? How are you actually making sure that people, once they have got the certificate, maintain their certificate?

BARRY O'DONOVAN: We can't really pull it back, like any image. We will know and we will e?mail people automatically as part of ongoing testing to say look, your site has become or has lost its IPv6 ready certification. The issue is awareness, it's not really policing so we want to raise a level of awareness and the degree which we can prevent people from even robbing a badge is fairly limited.

NIALL O'REILLY: Niall O'Reilly ??

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Sascha Poliok of IPHH in Germany. I am not too sure whether I did not pay enough attention about the tests that you are doing but I noticed that it seems like you only query for AAAA records and I just created a AAAA record for website that is pointing to IPv6 address that doesn't exist and I have been given platinum status so I am wondering if it's a good idea to test the site itself?

BARRY O'DONOVAN: Yes, we have a second revision of the code that does do a HTP request over IPv6 as well, that isn't live but that is pending. Again, I mean, if people want to pretend their IPv6 ready, they can go ahead and do that but they are only lying to themselves, really. As I said, the issue isn't about policing and we don't have any delusions of grandeur about converting Ireland overnight, it's a question of lifting that ceiling of awareness a little bit so content owners when looking at different services, that IPv6 is in their head, when they are looking at ISPs they will say do you have IPv6? So it's really just about raising the level of awareness.


Axel again: Can you go forward one slide. Or to the first badge. So, now, one question that already arose is that there is this it, the regional IPv6 ready programme for websites and ISPs and so on, that was ?? well, you are aware of it, and those badges are also look, somewhat similar, so, what I am afraid of is that, soon, someone will just, you know, make a logo look that that looks a bit like yours and looks a bit like the original and then soon we will have a plethora of these logos and soon they will mean nothing.

BARRY O'DONOVAN: Yes, I suppose the first thing is that the original IPv6 certification hasn't gained any traction in Ireland, for a start, so it's not even on the radar. The badge we have here was specifically designed around the INEX logo with the oval in the centre. We didn't use the existing IPv6 certification as a basis in this design, which was outsourced to a company, anyway. We will be perfectly happy if, in a year's time, everyone in Ireland is talking about IPv6 and this can disappear, it's not a thing about longevity, but I think however many badges are out there, the more times people see IPv6 would mean this project has been somewhat of a success.

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Did you consider instead of creating your own programme about promoting the existing programme instead?

BARRY O'DONOVAN: No, we didn't.

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Can you consider it?

BARRY O'DONOVAN: Yes, I will certainly look into it again but I think as it stands, the INEX initiative is two strands for us, it's there was nothing happening had in Ireland and INEX has always been at the forefront in Ireland about promoting IPv6 in terms of discussion with the government and other bodies. The INEX initiative is dual purpose in the sense of raising awareness, making INEX a key player in moving those discussions forward.

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Just to add something original IPv6 ready. We asked to become approved laboratory a year ago and they were not able to send us up?to?date NDA which we could sign so this is about the regional IPv6 ready.

BARRY O'DONOVAN: Thank you very much, folks.

CHAIR: Thank you very much.


CHAIR: Next I would like to invite Mirjam Kuehne from RIPE NCC with two talks, the first is RIPE NCC's actives during world IPv6 day and the other one is the survey of CP, is that correct? Yes. OK.

MIRJAM KUEHNE: There are two very short presentations. The first one is about just two use this opportunity here because the meeting is in Amsterdam, I wanted to point out on 8th of June on world IPv6 day, there will be a physical event near Amsterdam in the science park in the east of Amsterdam. It's co?organised by a whole variety of organisations, universities, AMS?IX, serve net, ISOC and a few others and INET labs, and we have a very full agenda already, it's a full day with workshops, tutorials, keynote speeches, doing a plenary session, there is a panel discussion, we will invite the press, trillion be a pressroom and there will be measurements and monitoring that the RIPE NCC is actually working on and will provide on the day. It's targeted to, yeah, wide audience, as wide as we can reach. Obviously, because it's located at the university, we invite a lot of students, there is a contest and people can participate and work in the lab during the day and there is some prizes to win. And obviously we also invite lots of IT, the IT industry in the country and ISPs, so if you are in the country here, please look at the website there, it's IPv6 day dot NL and we will keep it up?to?date and the registration is already opened if you want to participate.

And the other event, the RIPE NCC is actively participating in is the one in Moscow on the 8th of June because it's part of the RIPE regional meeting in collaboration with the ENOG meeting in Moscow that day and specifically on the 8th of June there will be a number of RIPE Working Groups meeting there as part of that meeting, part of the ENOG meeting so the IPv6 Working Group will be there and MAT Working Group thereby two and two others, Address Policy and the fourth one escapes me right now, but these two are most relevant, I think, for the world v6 day and there will be a number of presentations during the Working Group sessions and then in the break, in between, there will be pressroom and measurements shown also and some people from the RIPE NCC explaining the monitoring that we have been doing. So people who are more located in that region, please feel free or you are welcome to participate in that one, and the website at the moment is and we will update it with more concrete agenda as we go along. Emile from the RIPE NCC will tell a bit more technical details about the measurements and monitoring that we are doing in the next coming weeks and also during the day. He will talk about this in the MAT Working Group on Friday ?? that is not correct ?? on Thursday, sorry about that.

And that is it. So, if you can ?? I don't know if you have any questions about this particular topic or we can also have them at the end, the next presentation is also fairly short and similar topic.

The IPv6 CPE survey, I just wanted to bring this to your attention again; some of you might have seen this before, it's a collaboration between Marco Hogewoning, prior to him becoming a RIPE NCC employee, and the RIPE NCC, so I have been involved in this as well.

Some history: We started in June last year to collect a lot of information from CPE vendors at the time and ask about the capability ?? capability of the equipment and about with set up a test bed to test some of the equipment and we reached out to the users of this equipment to ?? they have some balance user or some experience also, and we collected all the information and published the results on RIPE Labs and since then we received a lot of ?? more information, we published three updates on RIPE Labs, since the vendors we published the information they also wanted to be listed and wanted to respond to the surveys, even though who didn't respond initially, and we also received a lot of user feedback, and so we updated this matrix on the RIPE Labs website which is actually viewed and used quite widely and just to give you an overview, you are not supposed to read all the detable, it's just a screen shot where we listed number of vendors and whole lot of features on the other side and we had labels in our ?? saying if these features, v6 ?? all related to IPv6 capability, if they were actually working, if the vendor claims they were working and if the users confirmed they were working and so we updated as we went along and it was ?? at some point we realised, when is something, you know, when can we say it's user confirmed, if one person told us they have tested the equipment and they told us it works or two or ten or ?? and so, also, we needed to go in and update the matrix and republish the document so we thought, maybe we should get some more structural feedback and have a proper survey, after this was apparently something the community wanted and us to keep it up?to?date. And so we worked on a new survey, a proper survey, not just an informal survey, as we done before, and we have announced this on RIPE Labs a few weeks ?? a month ago, and ask you for input, what we should include in that survey and we got a lot of useful information and suggestions and what would be useful to have as questions in this survey and we went back and build a survey which we have announced last week, and overnight, we already had more than 70 responses on the survey, I think now we have had 85, 90 responses and I would like to encourage you to go to RIPE Labs website and read the ?? there is some introductory text and you can find the link to the survey there.

It's targeted to vendors and operators and users as well, and we ask at the beginning to identify what type, who you are, and the whole survey focuses on three main questions. Like, what is the system capable of, which of the options listed in the survey you are testing and using and what are your experiences with it, so how easy to use and how good are the various features in the equipment. And then also, there is some questions like and to give an overall evaluation.

And so we already have, and we were quite interested to see, already, the initial result and as a teaser I want to show you some of the initial results that we have seen already and we still keep the survey open for a while, but just to give you a quick idea: We have a whole list of vendors added since the first version of the matrix that we published and these are the vendors that we listed, and a lot of people are actually using other kind of home?grown or other smaller vendors and it's also interesting to see is that most people said they got theirs via retail and not directly from the providers.

Another question we asked was, which access technology is used, and so PPoE was the one that was used mostly and the second one was tunnels and of those who said they used tunnels, many actually used 6 and 4, some used 6 to 4 and very few used some other technologies. We asked what you think does not work with particular type of equipment that you are using and DNS support is one thing that came up the highest where a lot of people said, it's not good enough are yet and needs some improvement. Obviously, we also asked what you think works well, and LAN support is something that works quite well, most people said it works either excellent or good, and we will look for that, this is all I wanted to show you as to grab your interest to go and fill in the survey so we can get some more results and the URL is on there but if you go to labs, it's on the front page, you can get the information there, and please, yes, only fill it in if you are actually really testing or using a CPE and have some experience with it.

The results will be published soon after we think we have a good number of responses but we are planning to keep the survey open and planning on publish results from time to time and see how things change and hopefully improve over time.

That was all I wanted to mention to you about this at the very end of this long day. I didn't want to make it too long. Any questions?

CHAIR: Any questions?

CHAIR: No. And thank you, Miriam. Thank you.

CHAIR: We are finished a bit earlier but before we rush out of the doors, just a reminder that we have a PGP signing meeting, party, at 5:30 and, also, remember what LISP is about, they changed the location, it's now in the Golden Palm Bar and the time is the same, 17:30. Thank you very much. And have a nice evening.
